This week while doing my usual Sunday grocery shopping at Aldi. I saw something in the parking lot that made me look twice. It wasn’t anything crazy in the sense that a giraffe on elephant back was strolling through the parking lot, but right as I got out of my car, I saw a beautiful white Range Rover pull into a parking space, and the owner go inside. I’m writing this post to share, but quite honestly I’m embarrassed by the first thought that popped into my head.

“What the hell is someone with a Range Rover doing shopping at Aldi?”
Then I had to catch myself, and kindly give myself a pop on the hand because I committed a big no-no. I prejudged without knowing the whole story. I didn’t know these people at all. I certainly didn’t help them write out their monthly budget, and here I’d already denied them access to a public grocery store in my head, and for what, because they had a nicer car than me?
Unconscious Bias. That’s what I’d just exhibited. Just write this up and add it into your next diversity training course because what I’d displayed was textbook behavior. Yea, I’m ashamed, and I am very disgusted with myself
It’s not as if I don’t have to deal with my own share of microaggressions on a day to day basis so i should have known better. As a black woman, I get my fair share of judgment wherever I go, and I’m constantly battling against the ill-conceived stereotypes that are possessed about black people in general, but here I am judging someone over their car. So in that parking lot, I had to check myself quickly and change my thoughts so that I wouldn’t be a contributing member to this misplaced outrage. Here’s what I thought instead.
Also Read: How we Knocked Almost 40% off Our Grocery Bill
They’re able to afford the Range Rover probably because they choose to keep other expenses in their home low and that’s why they make smart choices like shopping at stores that allow them to get the most bang for their buck. They’re doing the same thing that I’m doing. So who is me to judge ya know?
I brought this up with Mr. Broke on Purpose later that night, and we both agreed that we would be doing the same thing once we’ve paid off all our debt. Those people with the Range Rover were smart, and we could learn a lesson or two from them. Just because there is extra money coming in doesn’t mean we have to upgrade all levels of our life necessarily. That’s how you can quickly get yourself into trouble. More money doesn’t mean you get more stuff.
A wise man told me that he was able to become very wealthy (I’m thinking secret millionaire next door) by only living off the same amount he made from his job back in the 1980s. He saved and invested and kept his expenses low. Every time he got a raise, he increased his investments and savings instead of increasing his life. Because this wise man is a family member, I know his words to be valid.
Plus, there is absolutely nothing wrong with shopping at Aldi. Can I get an AMEN on the fact that Aldi has some pretty tasty finds? I still can’t get enough of my Guacamole Chips! Tikka Masala simmer sauce? Yes Please! Eggs, Milk, and Yogurt! Plus I can grab fresh fruits and veggies for a fraction of the cost of going to my local grocery stores.
So I’m making sure I’ve learned my lesson here, and I will do my best not to form opinions on people period. Have you ever caught yourself prejudging someone based on material things? What would you think if you saw someone who drove a new Range Rover shopping at Aldi?
I love this! I bought my first luxury car in cash (as a single woman at the time). BUT, I do my nails myself and color my hair myself. I don’t own any LV bags, but I do travel frequently and like to fly first class for long flights to Europe. It’s all about what’s important to you and what brings you happiness. Some people may prefer to pinch pennies in other areas so they can spend what they want on more important things.
P.S. I also make my own cleaning products lol